Tippecanoe School Corporation


Wainwright Middle School's Physical Education and Health courses follow the TSC Middle School Wellness Standards, which were developed working alongside Purdue University professors and students to provide a middle school scope and sequence for Health and Wellness. Teachers also include many online resources in their classes and focus on meeting or exceeding Indiana State Wellness Standards and Physical Education Standards.

In sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, the major areas in Health include anatomy of the body, the effects of alcohol and other drugs, nutrition, physical activity, safety and injury, violence prevention, environment, mental and emotional health, personal health and wellness, and sexual health. Information for each unit is tiered to meet the needs of each grade level, and new material and ideas are presented each year using a variety of resources.

In sixth grade Physical Education we focus on motor skill development, balance, hand-eye coordination, heart rate, locomotor and manipulative skill progression; this is completed through a variety of games, activities, and fitness tests.

In seventh and eighth grade Physical Education, we focus on building off of skills and concepts that were taught at the sixth-grade level and using these skills to complete units that are appropriate for each grade level. A few examples of units taught in seventh and eighth grade are soccer, basketball, recreation, team handball, flag football, speedball, volleyball, and many more.