Welcome to Wainwright Middle School
Wainwright Middle School (WMS) is located southeast of Lafayette and serves about 300 students in grades six through eight. All students are equipped with laptops that allow them to develop 21st Century skills: collaborate, critically think, create, and communicate. The experienced and caring staff at Wainwright encourages students to stretch themselves academically, explore opportunities for leadership and discover how they can make a positive difference in our community.
- Curriculum Support
- Technology as a Learning Tool
- Instructional Support
- Parental Participation
- Future Initiatives
- Asbestos Information
Curriculum Support
Exhaustive curricular reviews and modifications are made every six years prior to textbook adoption. Additionally, rewriting occurs whenever the Indiana Department of Education releases revised state curricula. Teacher teams conduct this rewriting process under the supervision of the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.
The student outcomes are specifically grouped to cross reference with the state standards. Handbooks are provided each staff member. Individual buildings oversee the implementation of the state standards through effective classroom practices.
Technology as a Learning Tool
Instructional technology in the Tippecanoe School Corporation will provide and encourage an atmosphere for life long learning. Technology strives to meet the educational goals of the corporation, supports the curriculum, and provides avenues for assessment of student progress. Technology should facilitate creativity and productivity as well as expand communication. Learning opportunities for staff and students involving technology are provided on a regular and ongoing basis. TSC maintains a standard of equal access for all and legal use of all forms of media. (Adopted by the TSC Technology Council, April 1993, revised February 1998, September 2000)
This philosophy guides the use of technology in TSC. The district provides ample technology access for our staff and students to make use of tool software such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Front Page, and Inspiration. Graphic organizers created with Inspiration are used as a teaching tool throughout the district. In addition, Internet access is available throughout the district.
Technology is used as a teaching tool in the Tippecanoe School Corporation. Drill and practice software is used to help our students practice basic skills. The software allows for customizing assignments to thematic units or a specific topic. Elementary students are using Edmark and Cornerstone titles. Middle and high school students are using IXL and Acuity .
Teachers throughout the district make use of a one computer classroom concept to use PowerPoint as a lecture tool, assignment board, or beginning of the teaching time activity. Information literacy activities involving Internet research and use are coordinated with the library media specialists.
Internet activities range from scavenger hunts on selected sites, staff and student developed WebQuests, and use as a research tool. TSC library media specialists work with classroom teachers to help develop information evaluation activities and skills.
For the 2015-2016 school year, Wainwright Middle School has been chosen to pilot a 1:1 Chromebook program. Every student has been given a Chromebook and teachers deliver classroom content through Canvas.
Instructional Support
Professional development occurs in several fashions within Wainwright Middle School. The primary mode of professional development occurs during our school’s daily 30 minute Instructional Improvement Block (IIB). The principal is charged with the responsibility for maintaining a professional development calendar that is shared throughout the building and corporation. This calendar guides daily IIB sessions. The daily 30 minutes allows for both quick-hit professional development opportunities over a topic, or larger blocks of time when a topic is discussed for multiple days in a row. Within this IIB session, there are opportunities for grade levels to collaborate and also to meet to disseminate data. The professional development opportunities that will allow our school improvement plan to move forward will be driven by each committee and will include large group, small group, and single settings. The professional development plan also is written with the intent to further utilize webinars and resources provided free of charge from the Indiana Department of Education.
There are also other opportunities for professional development during the school year and in the summer. Technology in-services are always offered during the summer months. There are also department chair meetings that occur throughout the school year that are open to each teacher. The new model of professional development in the Tippecanoe School Corporation will be toward participation in the department level meetings by members of the committee followed shortly thereafter by a whole staff debriefing by those who participated during IIB sessions.
Greater Lafayette Area Special Services (GLASS) provides in-service training as well throughout the school year and during IIB sessions for both resource and general education teachers.
Finally, there are mechanisms in place for individuals to work with the building level principal to gather professional growth points through in-services, book studies, and other ways of developing the craft of teacher.
Parental Participation
Wainwright Middle School welcomes the support and involvement of parents. One way to get involved is by joining the Mustang Network (PTO). This organization meets one time per month and is open to all Wainwright parents. Their purpose is to support the activities of the school.
Another way to get involved is to volunteer to supervise the Homework Help Club. This group meets every Tuesday and is run by parents and other volunteers. Lastly, Wainwright Middle School has a parent that represents the school on the Superintendent’s Parent Council each year. This parent attends 4 meetings in addition to meeting with Legislators and other administrators.
The success of the school takes the support of all stake holders. We look forward to you as a parent of Wainwright Middle School. Please look for additional communications via our Website, social media, e-letters, and emails.
Join our Facebook group.
Future Initiatives
Wainwright Middle School will be embarking on improving classroom instruction by maintaining curricular maps, data driven decisions, and implementing 1:1 instructional practices. It is the vision of the faculty to maintain extensive curriculum maps, which will become the framework for nine week assessments. The faculty will spend time developing lessons within the structure of the curricular maps and applying "backwards design." The faculty will also be taking a close look at differentiated instruction to compliment the collected data and incorporate technology.
By putting these pieces together, Wainwright will further hone the high quality classroom instruction, provide a sound curricular framework across grade levels, increase student achievement, and incorporate 21st Century technology skills. This vision will aide our school in maintaining future educational initiatives.
Future Initiatives
- IXL intervention program
- Reading comprehension
- Curriculum mapping
- Assessments that measure level of mastery by State Standards
- Differentiated Instruction
- Response to Intervention (RTI Model)
- Canvas
- GAFE (Google Apps for Education)